Our global mission is to develop world class energy service company, specializing in onshore and offshore logistics & quality assurance/quality checking. Firstly, We will contribute to the development of the Nigerian oil and gas industry and secondly, to the sub-regional industry with a view to enhance the development of skills and expertise within the local industries.

Construction & Installation

- Gas plants, refineries, pipelines and water mains -

Construction & Installation

– Gas plants, refineries, pipelines and water mains –

Extraction & Storage

- Refining, processing, movement and storage of oil and gases -

Extraction & Storage

– Refining, processing, movement and storage of oil and gases –

Exploration & Production

- Drilling, Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering and Petroleum Engineering -

Exploration & Production

– Drilling, Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering and Petroleum Engineering –

Transportation & Distribution

- dispersal of waterborne and airborne industrial and chemical effluents -

Transportation & Distribution

– dispersal of waterborne and airborne industrial and chemical effluents –

Processing & Refining

- Processing and dealing in liquefied natural gas and other petroleum products -

Processing & Refining

– Processing and dealing in liquefied natural gas and other petroleum products. –

Equipment Handling

- Making sure that types of equipment to appropriate standard and policies -

Equipment Handling

– All types of equipment to appropriate standard and policies –

We invest in disruptive innovation to create new solutions to transform the industry.

Innovative and sustainable production solutions in response to future energy challenges

At Amtrix Global Trading Company, we believe in partnership for excellence – let’s work together to execute projects relating to any of the services we provide.

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Amtrix Global Trading Company Ltd is an equal opportunity employer.

Through an invigorating work environment, ample learning opportunities and attractive benefits, the company grooms its employees to be the ambassadors of a sustainable tomorrow. We believes in the pursuit of holistic sustainable development through creativity, commitment and integrity.